Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kentucky Equine Humane Center

The question about what happens to unwanted horses has been on my mind and heart for the last week or so. Pursuing the answer I called Lori Neagle, Executive Director of the Kentucky Equine Humane Center.

Lori told me, "We [KyEHC] provide an option for people who have nowhere to go, who can't keep their horses." People can't keep their horses for many reasons and must do something with their horse. Some of the reasons include bankruptcy, high costs of living, and other stresses in the lives of the owners. Usually, the horses are not sellable. Sometimes they are old, sometimes they are injured, but other times, the owner simply does not have time to sell the horse.

Lori went on to explain most horse coming through the Center will go on to be pleasure or trail horses because injuries will prevent them from jumping. They come from all different areas – from the racetrack, animal control, as well as farms. "They all deserve a second chance," said Lori.

What really pulled at my heart was when Lori told me, every horse that comes through simply asks one thing: "Give me an opportunity."

Friday, April 1, 2011

320 Guest Ranch

Tomorrow April 2nd there will be an nasja non-sanctioned event in Gallatin Gateway Montana at the 320 Guest Ranch. It begins at 11:30am tomorrow morning, so that doesn't give me a lot of time to get there, but if you live in near Montana, Gallatin Gateway is only about 100 miles south of Helena.
Spectators are free and entree per team is $50.

Btw - MSNBC featured 320 Guest Ranch during their Today Show.
It looks good.

A thought to ponder...

The temperature is warming up and, at least here in Kentucky, spring is really on its way. While some people might still have snow to ski jor with, NASJA sanctioned events are over for this winter.

While some ski-jorers are gearing up for sand joring and summer training, I have thought to pose. Here is Kentucky there is a plight that is sadly common to any area where horses live in great numbers. Unwanted horses and horses belonging to owners unable to care for them, have a plight. Where do they go? What do they do next? When a horse is no longer useful to its owner, what is in its future? When a racehorse's career is over, does it get a second career? When a family must find a new home for their horse member, where does it go? Without an easy answer I ask you to ponder this dilemma.

One group of caring souls attempting to do something to answer this question is a group of horse-lovers involved with the Kentucky Equine Humane Center. By phone conversation I asked Sheila Woerth, the Kentucky Dressage Association Show Chairman, why the KDA supports the KyEHC. She said, "We've tried to support them [because] we believe in horses not going to slaughterhouses." Woerth went on to explain, "We give part of our profit [each year] to another non-profit like ours. We chose the Humane Center because they are a rescure organization. They give the horse, like the Thoughobred track horse, a chance at a second career at something like dressage or eventing -- they are given a second life."